[Purpose/significance] Library publishing service has been widely concerned and constantly developed. Scholars at home and abroad have begun to study its challenges and influences on the old book publishing service and the single library service model. By abstracting the research directions and topics of these scholars and comparing the hot spots of domestic and foreign scholars, it aims to introduce ideas and provide reference for China's library publishing services.[Method/process] It adopts the LDA document topic extraction method, and draws the topic partial heat map in the extracted data.[Result/conclusion] After comparing the hot spots of the domestic and foreign research, it is found that since foreign libraries started publishing services earlier, many colleges and universities develop their own publishing services models according to their own situations. Therefore, the research of foreign scholars focuses more on analyzing the library's role positioning, online service, digital trend and strategic innovation. However, domestic scholars mainly points out the challenges and new opportunities in China's current library publishing services by referring to foreign cases and combining with the actual situation in China, such as financial problems and system problems. They also put forward the mode conforming to the domestic development situation and the innovative ideas.
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