[目的/意义]iConference是信息科学领域重要的国际会议,文章旨在对iConference 2019会议论文进行总结与梳理,形成比较完整的综述内容,为国内该领域研究者提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]从研究方法、研究问题、研究过程、研究发现4个维度对iConference 2019所录用的24个主题77篇论文进行综述。[结果/结论]iConference作为iSchool的年会,其录用论文主题涵盖了当前信息科学领域理论研究和应用实践的最新成果。从成果可以看出,基于数据驱动的研究范式为信息科学与其他学科的融合发展提供了契机,促使图书馆与信息学科在新的研究场景下发现研究问题;半结构化访谈、问卷调查、扎根理论、统计分析等定性与定量相结合是当前主要的研究方法;研究数据的获取是研究中极为重要的过程。
[Purpose/significance] iConference is an important international conference in information science. By combing and summarizing the accepted paper in iConference 2019, this paper aims to provide reference for future related search in information science.[Method/process] From the four dimensions of research method, research topic, research process and research finding, this paper summarized reviewed 77 accepted paper on 24 themes in iConference 2019.[Result/conclusion] As the annual conference of iSchool, iConference's topic covers the latest achievements of theoretical research and application in the field of information science. From the accepted paper, we find that the data-driven research paradigm provides an opportunity for the integration and development of information science and other disciplines, and promotes libraries and information disciplines to discover research problems in the new research scenarios; semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, grounded theory, statistical analysis and other qualitative and quantitative methods are the main research methods; research data acquisition is an extremely important research process.
[1] TAYLOR N G, CHRISTIAN-LAMB C, MARTIN M H.,et al. Information in contemporary society, 14th International conference, iConference 2019, Washington, DC, USA, March 31-April 3, 2019, proceedings[C/OL].Washington:Springer,2019[2019-05-08]. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15742-5_1.
[2] IDEALS. IConference 2019[EB/OL].[2019-05-08]. https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/102118.
[3] NRC awards and honors dataset[EB/OL].[2019-05-08].http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/resdoc/pga_044718.