[Purpose/significance] At present, how to provide users with the most valuable information with the highest efficiency has become a concern of all parties. It is of great significance to analyze the influencing factors of the information resources quality of knowledge payment platform for promoting the healthy development of knowledge payment industry.[Method/process] Taking the main knowledge payment platforms such as "knowing" and "getting" as research objects, from the perspective of online users' perception of knowledge payment, and on the basis of network investigation and literature collection, this paper explored the main factors affecting the quality of knowledge and information resources by data analysis, and put forward feasible measures to promote the quality of information resources by knowledge payment platforms.[Result/conclusion] It is found that in the future, the focus of knowledge payment platform will shift from content development to competition among user groups, and develop along the vertical field. Video will become a new economic growth point of the platform, further integrating with other major commercial platforms. Diversified, efficient and streamlined content will be the core driving force to promote knowledge payment platform to provide users with high-quality information resources.
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