修身立学化知行 言传身教育良才——孟连生图书情报学术思想与研究生培养概述
黄国彬, 初景利, 崔瑞琴, 李景, 魏来, 李睿, 周倩, 符绍宏
Be Good at Thinking and Learning to Mashup Knowledge and Practice, Establishing Morality and Cultivating Talents to Build Pillar——Overview of Professor Meng Liansheng’s Academic Thought and Innovative Practice
Huang Guobin, Chu Jingli, Cui Ruiqin, Li Jing, Wei Lai, Li Rui, Zhou Qian, Fu Shaohong
图书情报工作 . 2021, (15): 12 -21 .  DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2021.15.002