收稿日期: 2016-12-13
修回日期: 2017-03-04
网络出版日期: 2017-03-20
Review and Comparison of the Research Status of Open Access Academic Resources Integration at Home and Abroad
Received date: 2016-12-13
Revised date: 2017-03-04
Online published: 2017-03-20
赵华茗 , 钱力 , 谢靖 . 国内外开放学术资源整合研究现状述评与比较[J]. 图书情报工作, 2017 , 61(6) : 122 -133 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.06.019
[Purpose/significance] This paper aims at providing suggestions and advice for libraries to develop open access systems and integrate open access academic resources.[Method/process] In this paper, the domestic and foreign research status of the integration of open access academic resources were arranged and summarized, and then we found that the domestic research mainly focused on the theory, techniques, policies, resources recycling and copyright issues. More in-depth studies of the concept of the integration of open access academic resources, techniques and methods, the framework, the structure and application in different areas were the main achievements of the foreign research.[Result/conclusion] By comparing and analyzing the research achievements at home and aboard, it is found that the common ground of the study of open access academic resources in the domestic and foreign research is the focus, methods, and applications. The difference lies in the research subject, perspective and depth.
Key words: open access; academic resource; resources integration
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