[目的/意义] 研究学术论文内容的组合新颖性与其学术影响力的关系,为研究论文的学术影响力提供新的研究视角。[方法/过程] 采用文本挖掘方法对论文题目、摘要和关键词中的主题词进行提取,通过构建领域主题词共现网络,为每篇论文设计了新颖组合率、中等组合率和常规组合率3个指标,将领域论文划分为不同的新颖性/常规性类型,然后对不同类型论文中高被引论文所占的比例进行统计分析。[结果/结论] 同时具有主题词组合高新颖性和高常规性特点的论文成为高被引论文的几率显著高于其他类型的论文,因此建议研究者在科学研究中应注重新颖知识与常规知识的适当组合。
[Purpose/significance] We study the combinational novelty of academic papers' contents, providing a new perspective for research in academic impact.[Method/process] We apply text mining methods for extracting key-terms in the title, abstract and keywords part of all papers in a particular research field, and design three indicators-novel, medium and conventional combination rates for each paper by constructing a key-term co-occurrence network. Then we divide all papers into different novelty/convention combination types, and analyze the proportion of highly cited papers for different combination types.[Result/conclusion] We find that papers of high novelty and high conventionality have a significantly higher probability of becoming highly cited papers than other types of papers. The results imply that researchers should seek appropriate combination of novel and conventional knowledge in the process of scientific research.
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