[Purpose/significance] The challenge of teaching information literacy in the form of credited course is how to motivate and keep students' interest of learning, pass on the course content and skills, and transfer the learning outcomes to the learning process of other subjects in a relatively longer duration of learning. This paper discusses the roles and limitations of guided inquiry to meet this challenge.[Method/process] Guided inquiry, scaffolding and team-based learning are the key concepts for designing an information literacy course based on guided inquiry. This paper introduces the process of using guided inquiry to design and implement a credited information literacy course for undergraduates by using a case study.[Result/conclusion] Designing information literacy credited course by using guided inquiry provides opportunities to observe students closely and cultivates the students' collaborative learning ability; it needs teachers to design scaffolds, to observe and diagnose students' learning performance, and to improve the instructional design iteratively; however, it also has the limitations such as the absence of subject perspectives of teachers and difficulties in evaluating the efficiency of knowledge transfer.
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