[Purpose/significance] This paper explores the community structure and community membership of the research interest similarity network of core authors in information science.[Method/process] We firstly download all papers of information science retrieved in CSSCI database using the China Library Category number. By recognizing the core-authors in this discipline with Price law, we compute the similarity between each two authors with bag-of-words model and construct the research interest similarity network of core authors. Then we divide it into four research community. Finally, we compute the every author's membership degree to different communities and his/her fuzzy entropy.[Result/conclusion] We discover that the domestic information science discipline has four research field:information organization and retrieval, bibliometrics and scientific evaluation, competitive intelligence and knowledge management, and the information science. Most authors' research isn't limited to one field. Finally, the authors in C2 and C3 merely take each other as secondary membership community, and it implies that the boundary between competitive intelligence and bibliometrics is very obvious.
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