[Purpose/significance] Online medical information extraction is the basic link to achieve medical information retrieval, medical information recommendation, personal medical health reminder and warning, disease diagnosis, public health monitoring, drug adverse reaction mining and other services, while medical entity extraction is the primary work of online medical information extraction. This paper aims to solve the problem that traditional medical entity extraction relies heavily on artificial feature extraction and the problem of low efficiency.[Method/process] Taking network text as the research object, this paper firstly describes the type of medical entity and the target of extraction of medical entity. Online entity extraction task in medical text was considered a sequence labeling problem to solve, the paper discussed the basic theories of BiLSTM model and the CNN model, and built a model based on hybrid deep learning CNN-BiLSTM medical entity extraction framework.[Result/conclusion] At last, the effectiveness of the CNN-BiLSTM model in the medical entity extraction task was verified through three comparison experiments.
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