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Analysis of Patent Legal Status Information Portfolio
Received date: 2012-09-29
Revised date: 2012-11-28
Online published: 2013-01-20
By complementing the patent application information analysis, patent legal status information analysis deeply reflects the technology gap, research and development(R&D) strength and patent quality. Based on three indexes of patent licensing rate, authorized patent efficient and effective patent holding time, this paper establishes a portfolio analysis model of patent legal status information from three perspectives of technology, source countries/regions and assignees, which reveals the relative competitive situation hidden by the number of patents. Furthermore, an empirical analysis with this model is presented on the technology of Lithium ion battery.
Wang Xuezhao , Zhao Yajuan , Zhang Jing . Analysis of Patent Legal Status Information Portfolio[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , 57(02) : 81 -84,135 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.02.016
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