Manuscript Template

Paper Writing Template

Chinese Title*

Author name

Affiliation Name, City, Postal Code

Abstract: Purpose/SignificanceⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩ.(Describe the background, significance, and purpose of writing this paper, or the problem to be solved by this paper) Method/ProcessⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩ. (Explain the research process and main methods used to solve the problem, including applicable conditions, main tools, operational methods, or speculative methods, etc.) Result/ConclusionⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩ.(State the main objective results, data, facts obtained from the research, and expound on the main research conclusions drawn from the results, including analysis, evaluation, comparison of the specific effects, value, and significance of the research results, interpretation of the reliability, practicality, innovativeness of the research results, or analysis, evaluation of the research methods and process itself, etc.)

Example:Purpose/SignificanceThis paper establishes a standardized and orderly services quality control process for the current issues of information services quality control in mobile library construction in China, and guide the libraries to develop mobile information services and improve services quality better.Method/ProcessThis paper explores the design ideas of mobile library services quality control process by introducing ARIS modeling method. Then it takes mobile subscription service of Wuhan University library as an example, builds the services quality control process framework and core model by ARIS modeling tool, and verifies the operating results of the control process on ARIS simulation platform.Result/ConclusionThe results show that the usage of mobile subscription services, users’ needs of subscription, subscription content renewal rate, and subscription articles collection have been significantly improved after the library uses the mobile services quality control process. The mobile library services quality control process model with ARIS method can help libraries clearly understand the inherent relationship between each element and each process unit in the mobile services quality control, guide different departments to cooperate with each other better and improve efficiency of services quality control, and provide a useful reference for research and practice of mobile services quality control. 

Keywords: ⅩⅩⅩ  ⅩⅩⅩⅩ  ⅩⅩⅩ  ⅩⅩ3-8 keywords

Classification Number: ⅩⅩⅩThe fourth or fifth level categories of the 5th edition of the "Chinese Library Classification", such as G251 or G251.2


Main Body


1 Primary Title/ⅩⅩⅩⅩPlease provide corresponding English


1.1 Secondary Title


1.1.1 Tertiary Title



*This paper is one of the research outcomes of the project "XXXXXX" (Project Number: XXXX). (A maximum of two projects)

Author Information: Name1, Position, Title, Education, E-mail; Name2, Position, Title, Education; … (Provide the E-mail of either the first author or the corresponding author)


Table 1  ⅩⅩⅩⅩ

Table 1  ⅩⅩⅩⅩPlease provide corresponding English


Requirements for Tables:

1Use a three-line table format (If the content is extensive and there's a concern that details may not be distinguishable, full gridlines can be drawn).

2The table header must not be empty.


1.2 Secondary Title


2 Primary Title


2.1 Secondary Title


Figure 1  ⅩⅩⅩⅩ

Figure 1  ⅩⅩⅩⅩPlease provide corresponding English

Requirements for Figures:
1Text within the figure should use small size 6 (7 points) font and must be clear.

2For figures that need to be placed in double columns, the maximum width is 8CM.

3The resolution of the figure should be equal to or greater than 300 pixels.


Requirements for Maps:

According to the national "Map Management Regulations," from 2020 onwards, all maps published in articles by "Library and Information Service" and "Knowledge Management Forum" must be reviewed and approved by the relevant national departments. For maps in manuscripts, please use the geographical base maps provided by the standard map service website ( Information can be added on top of the base map without altering it.



For Chinese references that need to be supplemented with their corresponding English translations, please follow the GB 7714-2015 "Information and Documentation - Rules for Bibliographic References and Citations." Common types of bibliographic references are demonstrated as follows:

Journal Article: [Serial Number] Author(s).Title[J].Journal Name, Publication Year, Volume (Issue): Page Numbers.

Example 1[1]刘炜,赵冬梅.图书馆智慧空间建设:概念、演变、评价与设计[J].图书情报工作,2022(1):122-130.(LIU W,ZHAO D M. Construction of library smart space: concept, evolution, evaluation and design[J].Library and information service,2022(1):122-130.)

Example 2[1]KO A J, MYERS B A, COBLENZ M J, et al. An exploratory study of how developers seek, relate, and collect relevant information during software maintenance tasks[J].IEEE transactions on software engineering,2006,32(12):971-987.

Ordinary Books: [Serial Number] Author. Title [M]. Other Contributors. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

Example 1[1]库恩.科学革命的结构:第四版[M].金吾伦,胡新和,.2.北京:北京大学出版社,2012.(KUHN T S. The structure of scientific revolutions[M].JIN W L,HU X H,trans.2nd ed. Beijing: Peking University Press,2012.)

Example 2[1]BORDONARO K. Internationalization and the North American university library[M].Washington: Scarecrow Press,2013.

Conference Papers: [Serial Number] Author. Title [C]//Editor. Proceedings Name. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication: Page Numbers.

Example 1[1]宋晓舒,程东明.传统图书馆和数字图书馆[C]//图书情报工作杂志社.图书馆学情报学研究论文选.北京:科学技术文献出版社,2002:1-2. (SONG X S, CHENG D M. Traditional and digital libraries[C]//Library and Information Service Press. Selected research papers in library and information science. Beijing: Scientific and Technological Literature Publishing House,2002:1-2.)

Example 2[1]EBESU T, FANG Y. Neural citation network for context aware citation recommendation[C]//Proceedings of the 40th international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval. Shinjuku: ACM,2017:1093-1096.

Theses and Dissertations: [Serial Number] Author. Title [D]. Location: Repository, Year.

Example 1[1]吴涛.推荐系统中推荐算法研究及其应用[D].北京:北京交通大学,2019.(WU T. Research and application of recommendation algorithms in recommendation system[D].Beijing: Beijing Jiaotong University,2019.)

Example 2[1]RIEGER O. Humanities scholarship in the digital age: the role and influence of information and communication echnologies[D].New York: Cornell University,2010.

Newspapers: [Serial Number] Author. Title [N]. Newspaper Name, Year-Month-Day (Edition).

Example 1:[1]国务院新闻办公室.中国的粮食问题[N].人民日报,1996-10-25(2).The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China. Food problems in China[N].People's Daily,1996-10-25(2).

Online Documents: [Serial Number] Author. Title [EB/OL]. [Date of Retrieval]. URL.

Example 1[1] 北京大学图书馆.多媒体资源服务平台[EB/OL].[2023-02-17]. University Library. Multimedia resource service platform[EB/OL].[2023-02-17].

Research Reports: [Serial Number] Author. Report Title [R]. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication: Page Numbers.
Example 1
[1]CNNIC.34次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告[R].中国互联网络信息中心,2014.(CNNIC. The report of the 34th China Internet development statistics[R].Information Center of the China Internet Network, 2014.)

Example 2[1] RITCHIE A. Citation context analysis for information retrieval[R].Cambridge: University of Cambridge,2009.

Standards: [Serial Number] Responsible Entity. Standard Title: Standard Number [S]. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Example 1
[1] 全国信息与文献标准化技术委员会.文献著录:第四部分 非书资料:GB/T 3792.3-2009[S].北京:中国标准出版社,2010:3(National Information and Literature Standardization Technical Committee. Bibliographical description-part 4:non-book materials: GB/T 3792.3-2009[S].Beijing: Standards Press of China,2010:3)
Example 2
[1] Information and documentation-the Dublin core metadata element set: ISO 15836:2009[S/OL].[2022-10-20].

Patents: [Serial Number] Patent Applicant or Owner. Patent Title: Patent Number [P]. Date of Announcement or Publication [Date of Citation]. Access Path.

Example 1[1] 杨林.移动电话机: CN99115146.1[P]. 2001-03-28. [2001-03-28]. (YANG L. Mobile phone: China, CN99115146.1[P]. 2001-03-28.[2014-12-16].)

Example 2[1] TACHIBANA R,SHIMIZU S,KOBAYSHI S, et al. Electronic watermarking method and system: US6915001[P].2005-07-05[2013-11-11].

Note: For references with no more than three authors, list all authors. For references with more than three authors, list the first three followed by "et al." For the names in foreign references and the English translations of Chinese references, use the format "LAST NAME Full Name + First Initial," with the last name in all caps.


Author contributions:

Author 1:ⅩⅩⅩ

Author 2:ⅩⅩⅩ



English Title (Corresponding to Chinese)

Author name (Corresponding to Chinese)

Affiliation Name, City, Postal Code (Corresponding to Chinese)

Abstract (Corresponding to Chinese):[Purpose/Significance]ⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩ. [Method/Process]ⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩ. [Result/Conclusion]ⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩ.

Example:Purpose/SignificanceThis paper establishes a standardized and orderly services quality control process for the current issues of information services quality control in mobile library construction in China, and guide the libraries to develop mobile information services and improve services quality better.Method/ProcessThis paper explores the design ideas of mobile library services quality control process by introducing ARIS modeling method. Then it takes mobile subscription service of Wuhan University library as an example, builds the services quality control process framework and core model by ARIS modeling tool, and verifies the operating results of the control process on ARIS simulation platform.Result/ConclusionThe results show that the usage of mobile subscription services, users’ needs of subscription, subscription content renewal rate, and subscription articles collection have been significantly improved after the library uses the mobile services quality control process. The mobile library services quality control process model with ARIS method can help libraries clearly understand the inherent relationship between each element and each process unit in the mobile services quality control, guide different departments to cooperate with each other better and improve efficiency of services quality control, and provide a useful reference for research and practice of mobile services quality control. 

Keywords:ⅩⅩⅩ  ⅩⅩⅩⅩ  ⅩⅩⅩ(Corresponding to Chinese)


* This work is supported by ⅩⅩⅩⅩ project titled“……” (Grant No. ⅩⅩⅩ) . (Corresponding to Chinese)

Author(s): ⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩ, E-mail:……. (Corresponding to Chinese)

Pubdate: 2023-07-26    Viewed: 26691