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Study on Construction of Scientific Data Management Mechanism in Universities at Home and Abroad
Received date: 2013-01-08
Revised date: 2013-03-05
Online published: 2013-03-20
The importance of scientific data management has been widely known at abroad. The laws and regulations of scientific data disclosing and sharing, social environments, and management and operation modes are ripe. The organizations and funding agencies are taking measures to promote. The university administrators and libraries actively respond to it. The ways of scientific data management are evolving. The mechanism of cooperation and alliance has formed. In Chinese universities, by contrast, scientific data management relatively lags behind. The government, competent departments of fund projects and universities haven't developed the clear management systems. This paper makes some suggestions on establishing scientific data management system in Chinese universities.
Key words: university; scientific data; management mechanism
Xie Chunzhi , Yan Jingwei . Study on Construction of Scientific Data Management Mechanism in Universities at Home and Abroad[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , 57(06) : 12 -17,38 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.06.002
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