Library and Information Service >
2013 >Issue 07: 112 - 115
Comparative Research on Network Multimedia Topic Search Algorithms
Received date: 2013-01-04
Revised date: 2013-03-13
Online published: 2013-04-05
Based on the distribution characteristics of the multi-media resources in web pages, the relevant parameters of the two typical search algorithms of PageRank and Shark-Search have been improved, which compute the similarity of the multi-media resources and the subject in the ways of webpage content and web hyperlink. The results show that the improved Shark-Search of the multimedia search algorithm is more effective to improve the efficiency of multi-media topic search, and more suitable for topic search of multimedia network resources than that of PageRank algorithm.
Key words: multimedia; topic search; topic searching algorithm; web spider
Wu Yuping , Yang Renguang . Comparative Research on Network Multimedia Topic Search Algorithms[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , (07) : 112 -115 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.07.020
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