Library and Information Service >
Study on Top-level Design of University-town Library Consortia
Received date: 2013-03-05
Revised date: 2013-05-01
Online published: 2013-06-20
This paper analyzes the successful cases in sharing activities between libraries in university-town. With the guidance of top-level design concept, it defines the "university-town library consortia" and its target, and puts forward the three-tier architecture of sharing platform based on "cloud services". This paper also studies the construction and guarantee mechanism of the sustainable development of university-town library consortia, to provide reference for the sharing activities in libraries.
Zhan Qingdong . Study on Top-level Design of University-town Library Consortia[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , 57(12) : 56 -59,76 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.12.010
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