Under the guidance of the user-centered service philosophy, libraries need to assess the quality of databases in a rigorous and human-oriented way before the introduction of electronic resources. A variety of factors should be considered according to the diverse situations of various colleges and universities. On the basis of the relevant survey and statistics, this essay summarizes five factors, including distributions and development tendencies of subjects, the proportion of students at different levels, the research ability distribution of students at different levels, gender and the habits and the time for them to use databases. A number of specific cases are provided to verify the roles those factors play in the decision-making and point-in-time of introducing electronic resources.
Zhou Qiong
. Influencing Factors and Case Studies on Library Electronic Resources Assessment[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013
, 57(16)
: 56
DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.16.011
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