The Explorations and Practices on Transformation of In-house Services Model of National Science Library of CAS

  • Liu Xiwen ,
  • Jia Ping ,
  • Wang Baocheng
  • National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190

Received date: 2013-07-22

  Revised date: 2013-08-12

  Online published: 2013-09-20


Under the shock of digitalization and networking, the in-house services of libraries have been suppressed totally and the services have been hollowed greatly. The transformation of in-house services of National Science Library of CAS(NSLC) has experienced the processes of "Information Commons","Learning Commons" and "Research Commons". Actually, the transformations could be focused on the functional changes and evolutions of library. Based on the analysis of the challenge and experiences of library in-house services of NSLC, the article outlines the thinking and practice on the library services for scientific and technological innovation and startup of NSL.

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Liu Xiwen , Jia Ping , Wang Baocheng . The Explorations and Practices on Transformation of In-house Services Model of National Science Library of CAS[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , 57(18) : 6 -10 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.18.001


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