Quantitative Evaluation and Analysis of the Five Provinces of Northwest China during 34 Years of Reforming and Opening Based on Information Carrying Capacity

  • Xu Xiaofeng ,
  • Cao Wenyu ,
  • Yue Dongxia
  • 1. School of Management, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000;
    2. Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems(Ministry of Education), Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000

Received date: 2013-08-09

  Revised date: 2013-09-17

  Online published: 2013-10-05


This article gives an empirical test on the demand and supply of the Information Carrying Capacity(ICC) in the five provinces of Northwest China,during the recent 34 years since China implemented reform and opening policy. The results indicate that Information Ecosystem of five northwestern provinces, except Shanxi Province, was not sustainable, and the distribution of regional internal ICC is uneven. As a counter measure, core competence and application technology in information governance are urgently needed, especially the social credit system construction of information bearing capacity,including information consultation and decision, information enabling technology and information cooperation ability.

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Xu Xiaofeng , Cao Wenyu , Yue Dongxia . Quantitative Evaluation and Analysis of the Five Provinces of Northwest China during 34 Years of Reforming and Opening Based on Information Carrying Capacity[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , 57(19) : 112 -120 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.19.018


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