In order to improve knowledge of digital reference service capability, this paper proposes a framework for integration of digital reference knowledge. Firstly, it defines reference questions and describes the use of domain ontology mapping technology to establish reference problem space. Then the knowledge ontology is extracted, cleaned and matched to get meta-knowledge set based on assumption management of the problem space. Pair of meta-knowledge is set to be integrated in knowledge and accessed to the solution space. Finally it builds the knowledge to achieve the integration of digital reference functional framework. The article is important for solving the structural heterogeneity of heterogeneous data, semantic conflicts and other issues of great significance.
Shen Wang
Li Yafeng
Hou Haochen
. Study on Digital Reference Knowledge Fusion Framework[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013
, 57(19)
: 139
DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.19.022
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