Library fair use is the limitation to the copyright based on the needs of public interest protection, but it also needs to be strictly regulated. Comparing the legislative history, the subject, purpose, object, and restrictions on the fair use of library between the copyright laws of both sides of the Taiwan straits, we may find that both sides of the legislative have their good points, however, library fair use system in Taiwan area is more specific. Especially regarding the subject, purpose, object and the restrictions of the fair use of library can be used as reference to consummate the system of fair use of library in the mainland.
Zheng Jingrong
. Comparative Study on Library Fair Use:Taking the Copyright laws of both Sides of the Taiwan Straits as Objects[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013
, 57(23)
: 41
DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.23.007
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