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Review of Research on Library Culture at Home and Abroad
Received date: 2013-12-02
Online published: 2013-12-20
Base on the statistical analysis of basic status, methods, and styles on library culture study both at home and abroad, and using knowledge map finding three research subjects, including connotation of library culture,construction of library culture,measurement and evaluation, trying to summarize the existing research achievements and shortcomings, this paper compared and analyzed the difference of culture of libraries at home and abroad. At last, it proposed future studies on library culture in china should focus on the study of the localization of library culture, library culture construction process and the impact of library culture on the development of the library organization.
Key words: library culture; organizational culture; culture construction
Ke Ping , Zhang Wenliang , Tang Chengxiu . Review of Research on Library Culture at Home and Abroad[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , 57(24) : 5 -15 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.24.001
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