Study on Maturity Diagnosis Model of Information & Intelligence Capability for Technology Innovation Oriented Enterprises

  • Shi Min ,
  • Liu Suhua ,
  • Li Weisi ,
  • Xiao Xuekui ,
  • Zheng Yanning ,
  • Liu Zhihui
  • 1. Hunan Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, Changsha 410001;
    2. ASEM Water Resources Research & Development Center, Changsha 410013;
    3. Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038

Received date: 2013-09-16

  Revised date: 2013-12-02

  Online published: 2013-12-20


Firstly, through analyzing the information flow of enterprise technology innovation, we found that enterprise information flow include six points: external environment monitoring, evaluation and identification, thorough acquisition, analysis and processing, dissemination and application. The maturity diagnosis model of enterprise information & intelligence capability was designed according to the links of enterprise information flow, while the model consists of four dimensions: internal information sharing ability, external information acquisition ability, the innovation of information analysis ability, and the application ability of information. Then, the evolution principle of enterprise information capacity was analyzed and divided into four stages of chaos, germination, development and maturity. Diagnosis model is divided into four levels corresponding to the four stages of evolution, that means chaos phase corresponds to the first level of not standard, germination phase corresponds to the second level of normalization, the stage of development corresponds to the third level of effectiveness, and the mature stage corresponds to the fourth level of high efficiency. At last, this model is applied in the Changsha "collaborative innovation" demonstration activity for Small and medium enterprises (SME) held by the commission of industry and information technology of Changsha municipality. It was a great success, which showed the model is practicable and effective by practice for SME.

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Shi Min , Liu Suhua , Li Weisi , Xiao Xuekui , Zheng Yanning , Liu Zhihui . Study on Maturity Diagnosis Model of Information & Intelligence Capability for Technology Innovation Oriented Enterprises[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013 , 57(24) : 106 -111 . DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.24.018


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