Chinese patents have short holding time and it is difficult to fully reflect the market incentives attribute. Based on the experimental data set about fuel cell field of China's invention patents and Japan's invention patents in China, this paper analyzes the influence factors of patent holding time with Cox survival model. The result shows that the increase of claim number and kin patents with the reduction of the IPC classification number can reduce the risk of China's patent survival, the increase of the inventor and kin patent will reduce the risk of Japan's patent in China. The study finds that influence factors from macroscopic analysis are different with field analysis. Compared with the macroscopic analysis, the research ideas and methods on specific technology area can reveal the question more detailed and objectively.
Wu Hong
Fu Xiuying
Dong Kun
. Empirical Analysis on Influencing Factors of Patent Holding Time:Taking Fuel Cell Patent Documents for Example[J]. Library and Information Service, 2013
, 57(24)
: 112
DOI: 10.7536/j.issn.0252-3116.2013.24.019
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