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Research on Improvement of Performance of a Practical Query Translation Interface for Cross-language Information Retrieval
Received date: 2013-12-01
Revised date: 2013-12-20
Online published: 2014-01-05
Three common query translation disambiguation methods which are used in a dictionary-based online query translation interface are analyzed. Then performance test tool Loadrunner is used to test the efficiency of the interface and three main factors which affect the efficiency of dictionary-based query translation are concluded.
Xu Hongjiao , Gao Yingfan . Research on Improvement of Performance of a Practical Query Translation Interface for Cross-language Information Retrieval[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014 , 58(01) : 124 -129,135 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.01.018
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