Luxembourg's international competitiveness is among the best few. Its success comes in part from its competitive intelligence ability. The Technology Watch Center is one of the best public competitive intelligence service providers among EU countries. The service of the center includes intellectual property management, standard and specification consultation, technology watch and training, with special focus on serving small and medium-sized enterprises. Its funding comes from government and market. The staffs all have relevant professional backgrounds, and the center is improving its service capability by external cooperation and investment in research work and grasps market changes by visiting enterprises regularly. The success model of the center offers a good example for our government in offering competitive intelligence services.
Zeng Zhonglu
. Government Competitive Intelligence Service:A Case Study of Luxembourg[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014
, 58(01)
: 136
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.01.020
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