With four periodicals full-text database Elsevier, Springer, EBSCOhost and JohnWiley, for example, using the richness index (S), Shannon diversity index (H) and the Pielou evenness index (J) to evaluate and compare the information amount of several databases. Data analysis showed that the S and S1 of ASP publication of EBSCOhost are the highest in several databases and H and J is the lowest. Analysis the relationship between information index and the user usage, and Analysis shows that the Elsevier database H and J from the highest value, the user visits and full-text downloads is the highest, and most highest performance-to-price ratio. The research results can provide perspective for library knowledge database.
Yang Fan
Li Xuemei
. The Research of Foreign Journals Full-text Database Evaluation Based on Information Diversity Index[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014
, 58(03)
: 90
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.03.014
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