The service system construction of public libraries involves many problems, such as professional disciplines, geographical range, administration, financial management system and so on.In recent years, new exploration patterns are emerging in this field, but its sustainability is becoming the bottleneck in the further development.After investigating reasons, the main reason is lack of perfect and effective security elements in the diverse service system construction.This paper analyses the domestic and foreign representative construction models comprehensively.Then it points out that the sustainable development model must have the security elements, including strict top-level system design, scientific and suitable operating mechanism, and effective and controllable management system, which are mutual supporting and interlocking.Finally, it takes the service system construction of "Big HangZhou",etc. for empirical evidence.
Liang Liang
Feng Jiqiang
. Exploring Security Elements in the Service System Construction of Public Library:Taking Service System Construction of Public Libraries like the “Big HangZhou”,etc. for Examples[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014
, 58(04)
: 29
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.04.005
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