Based on analysis to the current core patent mining methods, we constructed technology-effect subject terms and citations cross co-occurrence to mine core patent clusters. Through the cross co-occurrence analysis to patent technology-effect subject terms, we can easily identify the technology-effect of core patent clusters. Meanwhile, the technology-effect subject terms also get a cross co-occurrence through patent citations, which help to identify the relationship of the various technology in a special field. In this article, we chose medical microendoscopic as empirical study to display the characteristics of cross co-occurrence way, advantages and disadvantages among the cross co-occurrence of technology-effect subject terms with patent citations, co-occurrence of technology subject term with patent citations and the patent co-citation co-occurrence analysis in visualization network map.
Xu Haiyun
Yue Zenghui
Lei Bingxu
Fang Shu
. Core Patents Mining based on Cross Co-occurrence Analysis to Patent Technology-Effect Subject Terms and Citations[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014
, 58(04)
: 59
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.04.010
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