Considering the critical role of academic paper' evaluation method in leading behaviors and scientific outputs of basic discipline researchers, it is of much necessary to design evaluation system with reasonable cost and scientific and fair methods. Taking the paper recommendation-propagation model proposed in Ref.[3] as the benchmark, three strategies are proposed to optimize the academic evaluation function of the recommendation-propagation model, including controlling the rate of big peers and small peers in evaluation information, choosing the appropriate method of evaluating objects, and assigning weight to eachpaper recommender. Based on validating the effects of the optimization strategies with simulation experiments, this paper proposes an academic paper's evaluation method, which automatically computes influence index, quality index and value index to measure the academic contribution of papers through users' recommendation-propagation behaviors.
Hui Shumin
. Evaluation Method of Academic Paper Based on the Recommendation-propagation Model[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014
, 58(04)
: 85
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.04.014
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