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Development Trends of Resources Convergence in Libraries, Archives and Museums:A Study Based on the Successive Conference Themes of ICA, IFLA and ICOM
Received date: 2014-07-13
Revised date: 2014-08-03
Online published: 2014-09-05
This article reviews all the themes of successive World Library and Information Congress (WLIC), ICA's Annual conferences and Round Table conferences, and ICOM's General Conferences, and summarizes the development trends by classified comparison. The result suggests that LAM has the common cultural attribute and the same community and resources convergence can make greatest advantage. The fundamental force to promote the convergence of LAM is the development of information technology. Currently, IFLA, ICA and ICOM have already cooperated in relevant respects, and seek for more depth of resources integration. The differences of management require them to exert their respective superiorities and reserve their unique feature.
Key words: library; archive; museum; resources convergence; conference
Hu Xinyue . Development Trends of Resources Convergence in Libraries, Archives and Museums:A Study Based on the Successive Conference Themes of ICA, IFLA and ICOM[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014 , 58(17) : 136 -142,97 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.17.021
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