New Trends of University of California, Berkeley Libraries and Their Enlightenment

  • Huang Qinling ,
  • Qian Yin ,
  • Liu Zan ,
  • Guo Jing
  • 1. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Library, Shanghai 200240;
    2. Guangdong University of Technology Library, Guangzhou 510006

Received date: 2014-07-28

  Revised date: 2014-09-16

  Online published: 2014-10-30


The conclusions of investigating University of California, Berkeley Libraries include: the library takes active action to deal with the transitional development of collection, library space change and adjustment of organizational structure; it stresses research library repositioning in the new situation; it emphasizes staff incentive mechanism based on salary change and review systems; it accentuates library's roles in undergraduate research; it underlines key points of liaison and embedding subject services in an all-round way. The thoughts and suggestions are as follows: strengthening strategic planning and development repositioning; continuously improving staff incentive mechanism; strengthening collection development; carrying out various embedded subject services; continuing to construct the library space; trying to develop undergraduate research programs; exploring the practice of data research and data analysis.

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Huang Qinling , Qian Yin , Liu Zan , Guo Jing . New Trends of University of California, Berkeley Libraries and Their Enlightenment[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014 , 58(20) : 61 -66,72 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2014.20.009


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