Library and Information Service >
The Research of the Service System to the Smart Self-Service Library Based on the SoLoMo
Received date: 2015-01-03
Revised date: 2015-01-31
Online published: 2015-02-20
[Purpose/significance] In order to solve the problems in Self -Service Library, such as the blurry collection lists of library resources, the unclear location of Self-Service Library and the communication barriers of knowledge, this paper uses the mobile App service to realize the interaction of users, information and Self-Service Library on the basis of precise positioning to collections information and users information,which could promote the transmission and sharing of knowledge. [Method/process] By referencing the Internet frontier concept SoLoMo, this paper analyzes the application advantages of the SoLoMo to the use of the Self-Service Library, and constructs the Smart Self-Service Library's service architecture and mobile application framework based on SoLoMo model, also designs and develops the mobile application App of Smart Self-Service Library. [Result/conclusion] The service system of the Smart Self-Service Library based on the SoLoMo provides intelligent and personalized service functions, which makes up for some original deficiencies, broadens the existing service system and provides better smart services for readers.
Key words: Self-Service Library; SoLoMo; service system; mobile application
Xia Lixin , Bai Yang , Li Chenglong . The Research of the Service System to the Smart Self-Service Library Based on the SoLoMo[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(4) : 32 -36,82 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.04.005
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