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Altmetrics:From Theoretical Hypothesis, Term Coined to Connotation Refining
Received date: 2015-01-27
Revised date: 2015-03-02
Online published: 2015-03-20
[Purpose/significance] This paper introduces the theories, ideas and consensus abroad on altmetrics in order to bring inspiration to scholars in China.[Method/process] The author collected information and articles by taking a variety of retrieval method, such as retrieving the Internet, tracking the blogs, browsing the conference sites. The author reviewed the origin, birth, and development of altmetrics. The author studied the early hypothesis and the way that altmetrics has been coined out. The author introduced and analyzed the consensus of altmetrics scientists. Moreover, the author reviewed the articles and blog papers around altmetrics, and put forward some problems. [Result/conclusion] Altmetrics is a complement but not a instead of traditional citation method. What the altmetrics measure is not quality, but attention and impact. Altmetrics should be renamed as alternative indicators. The cultural problems (such as citation motivation, publication time, disciplinary and region difference) in traditional method still existed in altmetrics. Therefore, we should not only compare the numbers derived from altmetrics products, but also investigate the data source and content of discussion during evaluating scientific ouputs with alternative indicators. In the end, we should make correct judgment with quantitative and qualitative assessment. Altmetrics related research has developed rapidly, but there is a large gap between home and abroad.
Key words: altmetrics; citation analyzing method; science evaluation
Liu Chunli . Altmetrics:From Theoretical Hypothesis, Term Coined to Connotation Refining[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(6) : 82 -89 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.06.013
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