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The Construction of Academic Impact Evaluation System of Sci-Tech Books in China Under Multiple Dimensions
Received date: 2015-02-03
Revised date: 2015-03-20
Online published: 2015-04-05
[Purpose/significance] Based on the present development of the book evaluation research, the article combines with the feature of real data and constructs the academic impact evaluation system of Sci-Tech Books in China from multiple dimensions. It is a beneficial exploration evaluation of academic influence of books. [Method/process] Based on review analysis, citation analysis, expert survey, AHP and so on, 27 indexes are selected from evaluation framework and summarized from different levels of academic influence. [Result/conclusion] After determining the weight coefficients of indicators, the article carries out empirical analysis in the medical field. Eventually we obtain the most influential academic books in those subject and type. The results show some features, such as long-tailed distributions, highly influential of foreign language books translated version and so on. CALIS holdings data evaluates the effectiveness of the result.
Key words: book evaluation; index system; academic impact; multiple dimensions
Zhang Yu , Pan Yuntao , Yuan Junpeng , Su Cheng , Ma Zheng , Liu Na , Yin Shumei , Zhang Qun . The Construction of Academic Impact Evaluation System of Sci-Tech Books in China Under Multiple Dimensions[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(7) : 69 -76 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.07.009
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