Library and Information Service >
The Application of Project Management in Socialized Service of Universities Library
Received date: 2015-04-17
Revised date: 2015-05-02
Online published: 2015-05-20
[Purpose/significance]According to resource constraint environment, this paper discusses the problems on socialized service of university library in the perspective of project management, such as scope, cost, quality and risk. It introduces the scientific management method, to improve the efficiency of library resources, and promote the process of university library socialized service.[Method/process]It uses Work Breakdown Structure and Responsibility Assignment Matrix to analyze the scope of socialized service, draws resource requirements Gantt chart and project cost S curve to control the cost of socialized service, applies causal analysis method to find existing quality problems of socialized service and follows the project risk management process to explore the risks of socialization of socialized service.[Result/conclusion]Study shows that executing the steps of project scope management avoids blurry rules and regulations, unclear service orientation, low service quality and user satisfaction; project cost management can be used to determine whether the university library to carry out one socialized service, improve the rationality of resources allocation, grasp and control the socialized service cost; project quality management helps to find the reasons affecting the quality of socialized services to provide references for resolving quality problems; project risk management could help to identify the potential risk of university library, and choose reasonable avoidance method.
Key words: project management; university library; socialized service
Chen Yuanyuan , Li Shiying . The Application of Project Management in Socialized Service of Universities Library[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(10) : 86 -91 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.10.013
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