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Research on Think-tank Construction in View of Intelligence
Received date: 2015-04-08
Revised date: 2015-05-12
Online published: 2015-06-05
[Purpose/significance] The paper discusses think-tank construction from the perspective of intelligence,which has important significance on the development of theory and practice of intelligence science under the background of “think-tank hot”, at the same time to provide reference for new think-tank construction. [Method/process] Through extensive literature survey, the paper takes “service decision-making” as the main lines and mainly expounds the relationship between intelligence and think-tank from four aspects: institutions relationship, external conditions, internal mechanism and the disciplinary relevancy. [Result/conclusion] Firstly,think-tanks and intelligence institutes are cooperative and win-win relationship; secondly,think-tank depends on the high quality intelligence resources as the support, so its data support and intelligence-ensured ability are especially important; thirdly, intelligence failure affects the internal mechanism of think-tank; fourthly, intelligence science is one of the support subjects in the process of think-tank construction, and intelligence science is closely related to “think-tank science”. In summary, intelligence service is an important content in the overall framework of new think-tank construction. In order to ensure the quality and influence of think-tank products, the intelligence mechanism of think-tank should be taken seriously.
Key words: think-tank; intelligence; big data; decision-making; new think-tank
Li Gang , Li Yang . Research on Think-tank Construction in View of Intelligence[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(11) : 36 -41,61 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.11.005
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