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Research on the Application of Topic Maps in Intangible Cultural Heritage Information Resource Organization:Taking Beijing Opera and Kunqu Opera as Examples
Received date: 2015-06-15
Revised date: 2015-06-22
Online published: 2015-07-20
[Purpose/significance] Currently, Most of the intangible cultural heritage information resource is organized in traditional tree or satellite structure, and has geographical boundaries, which can not comprehensively display the characteristics of intangible cultural heritage so that weaken the value of it.[Method/process] This article builds a topic maps model of intangible cultural heritage information resources on topic maps theory and methods. And then taking Beijing Opera and Kunqu Opera as world-class intangible cultural heritage as examples. One of the topic maps tools Ontopia is used to construct intangible cultural heritage topic maps and demonstrate organizational effectiveness.[Result/conclusion] Topic maps not only can organize intangible cultural heritage information resource reasonably and comprehensively, but also visually display the special properties of intangible cultural heritage such as history, inheritance context, genre development. The research has important practical significance.
Key words: intangible cultural heritage; topic maps; Ontopia; visualization; pedigree heritage
Wang Meng , Xu Xin . Research on the Application of Topic Maps in Intangible Cultural Heritage Information Resource Organization:Taking Beijing Opera and Kunqu Opera as Examples[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(14) : 15 -21 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.14.002
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