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A Study on the Intangible Cultural Heritage Communication Based on Newspaper and Web News Reports
Received date: 2015-06-15
Online published: 2015-07-20
[Purpose/significance] Intangible cultural heritage, a variety of traditional cultural forms of representation and spaces, is inherited by all generational ethnic groups and closely related to people's lives. Because of its regionalism, inheritance, dynamic nature, diversity and so on, the information dissemination of intangible cultural heritage has its unique rules and requirements. In this paper, we reveal the current situation and problems by newspapers and online text analysis, and explore the features, rules and requirements of intangible cultural heritage communication. The study has important reference value not only for the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage, also for the information of cultural dissemination.[Method/process] In this paper, 37 items included in the "UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage list" in China have been selected for case study. On the basis of quantitative analysis and content analysis of news reports on these 37 items (retrieved through Wise Search database during 2014), the body, channels, content and methods of intangible cultural heritage information dissemination are studied while the current status and problems of Chinese intangible cultural heritage communication are described.[Result/conclusion] The analysis revealed that the communication of different intangible cultural heritage is particularly uneven in China; the information dissemination appears in a unidirectional linear mode; the forms of information dissemination and content appear relatively single and simple; the interaction and participation of audience are all relatively low. In this regard, a targeted strategy is proposed in this paper.
Key words: intangible cultural heritage; newspaper; network; communication
Zhao Luping, Lü Yanwanqian, Huang Yanqiu . A Study on the Intangible Cultural Heritage Communication Based on Newspaper and Web News Reports[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(14) : 37 -45 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.14.005
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