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Research on the Formation Path of Patent Citations——from the Perspective of Behavior Logic
Received date: 2015-09-01
Revised date: 2015-09-20
Online published: 2015-10-05
[Purpose/significance] The formation path of patent citations is an important basis for the reasonable assessment of data samples, and it is also an important prerequisite for the establishment of research hypothesis and research model.[Method/process] From the perspective of behavior logic, this paper studies the formation path of patent citations from four aspects:the subject, the motivation, the behavior and external citing rules.[Result/conclusion] The behavior subject undergoes the psychological stage and the implementation stage, and patent citations are formed under the influence of external rules. The factor of patent application subjects is the main cause of the difference between citing motivation and citing behavior, which further leads to the difference of the results of patent citation. Therefore, patent citations from different types of subjects should be distinguished in the development of the sample and the model.
Key words: patent citation; citing behavior; behavior logic
Fang Zhouzhi . Research on the Formation Path of Patent Citations——from the Perspective of Behavior Logic[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(19) : 15 -21,46 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.19.002
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