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A Quantitative Analysis onthe Topic Distribution and Openness Degree of Health and Medical Data in the Open Government Practice of the US and UK
Received date: 2015-09-15
Revised date: 2015-10-12
Online published: 2015-10-20
[Purpose/significance]This paper investigates the topic distribution and openness degree of health and medical data in the open government practice in the US and UK, and it will provide a reference for open governmental health and medical data practice.[Method/process]This paper surveyed the sources of open data, topic distribution, open data certificate and openness degree of the real data published on and via quantitativemethods.[Result/conclusion]Up to April 2015, the in the US has published 812 health datasets, among which nearly 50% were health insurances and costs data coming from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. 87% of the open data certificates were at the elementary level. The has published 1 755 health datasets,among which 37% were about administrative&quality monitoring and measurement, and 35% were about population statistics. About 70% of the datasets were unavailable, or not licensed, or only available to limited users. Open government data is just startingat the practice level, and the US and UK governments have opened some data in health and medical areas. The data topic is distributed in an imbalance manner, and openness degree is under rigorous control by far.The topic classification and openness degree of open datasets can providereferencesfor other countries in open governmental health and medical data.
Li Jiao , Guo Haihong , Guo Minjiang , Dai Tao . A Quantitative Analysis onthe Topic Distribution and Openness Degree of Health and Medical Data in the Open Government Practice of the US and UK[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(20) : 132 -137 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.20.022
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