[Purpose/significance] Study on the research evaluation service of university libraries has the important role on improving the service level and status of university libraries.[Method/process] Through the investigation of 985 Project university libraries by Website survey, telephone survey and mail survey, this paper analyzes the status of research evaluation service from aspects of service content, service department, service staff, service object, service mode, evaluation resources and tool, Website construction, etc.Then it analyzes the research evaluation papers about research evaluation published by 985 Project university libraries with the method of bibliometrics.[Result/conclusion] Research shows that research evaluation service has become the focus of bibliometric activity in university libraries.Lastly, it puts forward some suggestions about department setting, personnel training, service mode, service development and promotion for the research evaluation service combined with the practices and experience of university libraries.
Wang Sa
. Investigation and Analysis on Research Evaluation Service of 985 Project University Libraries[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(1)
: 26
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.01.004
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