[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to better understand the situation of the development of postgraduate education in Library Science in China, and promote the development of the education career of the master of Library Science.[Method/process] This paper investigates all library science master's training programs, and analyses the statues of Master Education of Library Science in China from aspects of regional distribution, department distribution, training objectives, educational system and credit, research direction, curriculum system, professional required course and so on.[Result/conclusion] Then it discovers the problems, and put forwards some suggestions, which include implementing diversified training objectives, adjusting system and credit reasonably, planning research direction scientifically, configuring course system reasonably, and paying attention to practice.
Jiang Yiying
Yang Siluo
. Study on the Present Situation of Academic Master's Education in Library Science in China[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(2)
: 53
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.02.008
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