In view of the phenomenon of competitive intelligence in the enterprise strategic decision support, this paper guides the enterprise to carry on the competitive intelligence service outsourcing, and strengthens the enterprise's decision operation management.[Method/process] By using both literature review and theoretical deduction, this paper combines with technology consulting cases, defines the theory connotation of competitive intelligence service outsourcing, analyzes the motivation of the competitive intelligence service outsourcing, discusses the forms and contents about competitive intelligence service outsourcing, and puts forward some suggestions on the competitive intelligence service outsourcing.[Result/conclusion] Enterprises promoting competitive intelligence service outsourcing can reduce operating costs, and avoid operational risks, and be committed to the main business. Its aim is to enrich and develop the theory of competitive intelligence service outsourcing, and to accelerate the application and popularization of competitive intelligence service outsourcing activities. The results can provide decision-making references for the developing work of competitive intelligence service outsourcing.
Cai Rongying
Zhang Zhihua
Zhang Linke
. Research on Enterprise Competitive Intelligence Service Outsourcing:Connotation, Motivation and Form[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(2)
: 93
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.02.015
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