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Research on Operation Mechanism and Optimization Strategy of Social Network Information Ecology Chain Based on System Dynamics Theory
Received date: 2015-12-08
Revised date: 2016-02-05
Online published: 2016-02-20
[Purpose/significance] Analyze the operating mechanism of social network information ecological chain based on the system dynamics theory, which provides reference for the operation and management of social network information ecological chain. [Method/process] Analyze the interactive relationship of the component factor and the influencing factor of social network information ecological chain and reveal the operating mechanism of it with system dynamics method. [Result/conclusion] Come to a conclusion that the three types of the operating mechanism of social network information ecological chain are one-to-one operating mechanism, one-to-many operating mechanism and compound operating mechanism. Put forward the corresponding optimization strategy according to the shortcomings of the existing operating mechanisms of social network information ecological chain.
Key words: information ecology chain; system dynamics; operation mechanism; strategy
Ma Jie , Hu Mo , Wei Aoxi . Research on Operation Mechanism and Optimization Strategy of Social Network Information Ecology Chain Based on System Dynamics Theory[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(4) : 12 -20 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.04.002
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