Threat Intelligence in the Era of Big Data

  • Fan Jiajia
  • The Institute of Information, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai 200235

Received date: 2015-11-18

  Revised date: 2016-01-17

  Online published: 2016-03-20


[Purpose/significance] This paper primarily discussesthe information security theory frontier, elucidatesthe threat intelligence and related hot issues, and introduces a new concept toexplore the new field in intelligence research.[Method/process] Through literature research, content analysis, induction and deduction, this paper teases out the main characteristics,basic technologies, practical situations and development trends, significance,and future research directions ofthreat intelligence.[Result/conclusion] This paper concludes that threat intelligence will become a new research hot spot in the intelligence field through analysis. It has features witha wide range of applications, close traceability andusefulness for information security decision. It has a great meaning for national information security management and research on national intelligence elements. The issues of the data jurisdiction and privacy protection, information sharing related with it will become the focuses of future research. It will provide an important reference for intelligence theory research and practical exploration.

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Fan Jiajia . Threat Intelligence in the Era of Big Data[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(6) : 15 -20 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.06.002


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