[Purpose/significance] The paper constructs the theoretical model of brand information content display and consumer participation, and discusses in details the relationship between them, aiming at the problem of consumer participation quality in network information platform of mobile internet, and providing reference for the sustainable development of network information platform.[Method/process] The paper introducts the consumer internal state, brand cognition and emotion, as the mediation variables, analyzes the effect of brand information content display on consumer participation, and bulids the theoretical model, processing from environmental psychology S-O-R model paradigm.[Result/conclusion] The paper constructs the theoretical model of brand information content display and consumer participation, and discusses the relationship between them in details, in order to provide reference for the management practice and theoretical research of brand information content.
Qiu Changbo
Sun Kai
Gu Anwei
. Research on Theoretical Model of Effect of Brand Information Content Display on Consumer Participation in the Mobile Internet Context[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(10)
: 40
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.10.006
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