[Purpose/significance] Research on government data open in China has not really started. In order to clarify the problems and development trend of domestic government data opening research, we have analyzed and compared the data opening research at home and abroad.[Method/process] In this paper, first of all, the data open platform in United States, United Kingdom, India are introduced. After that, the platform of some provinces and cities in China is analyzed. Finally we compare and analyze the existing domestically and internationally data open platform, sum up the problems and put forward the corresponding solutions. [Result/conclusion] We can get the conclusion thatthere are many problems on the data open platform in China, such as data organization, data quality control, data download and data sharing. In addition, building a unified government data open platform has become an inevitable trend.
Yue Lixin
Liu Wenyun
. A Comparative Study on the Current Situation of Domestic and Foreign Government Data Open[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(11)
: 60
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.11.008
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