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The Time-space Diversion of Classical Bibliography in the Modern Times
Received date: 2016-05-20
Revised date: 2016-06-10
Online published: 2016-06-20
[Purpose/significance] From the perspective of time-space diversion, it will help to reveal the modern situation of classical bibliography and provide an explanation and description for the analysis of modern transformation of traditional culture.[Method/process] From the angle of the mutual construction of books, academics and catalogues, the author systematically combed the modernization process of classical bibliography in the context of the shift of Chinese and Western bibliography.[Result/conclusion] The classical bibliography at all times and in all over the world only recorded "China" and "ancient" books ultimately; while the Western bibliography has grown to be a universal system which is unparalleled in China and the West and beyond time and space. It also provides the theoretical foundation of the bibliography system for the alienation of regional and temporized Western civilization to be the universal truth. Accordingly, subverting the bibliography monism voice of the Western center is an important part to push the world civilization into a healthy ecology of the complementary relation between China and the Western world.
Key words: classical bibliography; literature; culture; modern times; time and space diversion
Fu Rongxian . The Time-space Diversion of Classical Bibliography in the Modern Times[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(12) : 50 -56 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.12.007
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