[Purpose/significance] In China, the personal information protection norms and policies have continued to be introduced currently, while the personal information protection policies are still absent in university libraries. We investigate and analyze the personal information protection policies of 10 famous British university libraries to provide references for university libraries in China.[Method/process] This article comprehensively scans the text of the personal information protection policies of the 10 famous British university library websites. Based on survey and analysis of the policies text with the privacy protection criterion and the privacy concern measurement model, the characteristics of the policies can be revealed from the aspect of form and content.[Result/conclusion] These policies mainly include privacy policy, cookies policy and protection data, and are most released by the universities. These policies include guaranteed themes, personal information lifecycle management themes, and transactional themes. To some extent, they are in line with OECD privacy protection guidelines as well as CFIP and IUIPC. All of these have a good reference value for the future development of the personal information protection policy of University Libraries in China.
Wan Ling
Huo Yanhua
Ma Shoujun
. Text Analysis of Personal Information Protection Policies of Ten British University Library Websites and Its Enlightenment[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(12)
: 62
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.12.009
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