Research on Temporal Heterogeneity and Reconstruction of Journal's Influence Index: Based on the Perspective of Multi-attribute Evaluation

  • Yu Liping
  • Business School of Ningbo University, Urban Economic Research Center Ningbo 315211

Received date: 2016-04-10

  Revised date: 2016-05-25

  Online published: 2016-06-20


[Purpose/significance] Under the perspective of multi-attribute evaluation, the timeline of academic periodical's influence index is not unified, and has the temporal heterogeneity. The evaluation objects involve in all the cited papers since periodicals started, the cited papers in the past five years, the cited papers in the past two years, the cited paper in the current year and so on.[Method/process] To solve this problem, this paper takes the S&T management journals included in CSSCI for example, and puts forward two new indexes of impact factor of every other year and the h index of every other year. Then based on grey relational analysis and the cited periodical's data statistics, the rationality of two indexes is verified.[Result/conclusion] Research shows that the design of journal's citation index must respect the principles of timeliness, robustness, annual evaluation and so on; the evaluation of journal's citation index must ensure the timeline consistent as possible when carrying out the multi-attribute evaluation; source index and citation indexes data ofevery other year both come from the papers published in that year, and multi-attribute evaluation timeline has only one essentially.

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Yu Liping . Research on Temporal Heterogeneity and Reconstruction of Journal's Influence Index: Based on the Perspective of Multi-attribute Evaluation[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(12) : 109 -114 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.12.016


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