[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to reveal the structure and evolution trend of research front topics in the international library and information field since 2009, and detect the front trends in the future, to provide the reference for researchers tracking the frontier.[Method/process] Taking the articles published in the 12 core journals in library and information field included in the Web of Science database, this paper draws the knowledge mapping of research front topics from 2009 to 2016 with CiteSpaceⅢsoftware based on the document co-citation analysis method.[Result/conclusion] Research on international library and information science forms 12 research front topics since 2009, such as h-index, characteristic factor, bibliometric mapping, research performance and others. It derives new research front through turning node literature, as h-index, language model, conceptual model, research performance, altermetrics and information emotion. It presents a diversified research trends in the future.
Hou Jianhua
Yang Xiucai
Zhou Lijuan
. Analysis on Research Front Topics and Its Evolution Trends in International Library and Information Field[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(13)
: 82
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.13.011
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